Augustus Young       light verse, poetry and prose
a webzine of new and unpublished work

Two Heroes

A Pocket Full of Rugby
Garry Ring-a-ring-rose.
Also known as twinkle-toes.
Also known as fingertips.
Also known as key locksmith.
Also known as, ‘Oh my god,
not another BOD’.
While at that name all fall down,
you stand up to his renown.
You merit praise in verse,
the centre of the universe.
Rock and Roll Wife
It wasn’t worth the money,
until, relief, he was dead.
I sometimes thought he’d gun me.
But he tortured me instead
by making cruel fun of me
in somebody else’s bed.
But now the joke’s not on me
since to his legacy I’m wed.
Peace and quiet is heavenly
with all my expenses paid.