Augustus Young       light verse, poetry and prose
a webzine of new and unpublished work

Miettes 2014


Miettes 1 (Anglais a Français)

Don’t spit on La France
Le comble du génie français authentique est de savoir garder une cigarette allumée jusqu’au bout sans se brûler les lèvres. Aujourd’hui, j’ai regardé un homme allongé sur un banc avec une clope au bec. A la fin de sa prestation vaporeuse, quand le mégot s’est désintégré, j’ai crié, ‘Bravo’ ! Il a craché, ‘Merci’.

The pecking order
Quand le grain est dans le sol
l'oiseau le ramasse et s’envole.
What the butterfly said to the rat
Toi, tu décortiques la vie, moi, je l'effleure.
Une litote d’irlandais est un exagération qui cache une discrétion.
La maison se pavane comme une marionnette déhanchée
One way or two-way
L’amour est a sens-unique, le complicité est un aller-retours
The other way around 
Marie Curie est Mata Hari. Ou est-ce l’inverse ?
My French defence

Je suis un muet. Ma prononciation est parfait.   

The need for a Head
Non, non. Pas la guillotine, svp. Le corps a besoin du chapeau.
Les méchants sont opaques, les saintes diaphanes 
The Wisdom
Je suis trop âgé pour une idée fixe.
For Ana
Les enfants grandissent.
Le chien reste le même.

La vie est
un contre le montre.

Maladie d’Amour
La cure contre d’amour
est la haine.

Me, Sarkozy
 Une marionnette qui perd ses cordes
Ernest Herbeck
‘La pluie est la gouttière qui mène ā la nature’
Consile de Belarga
Tu garde le Bel
et largue le Gar,
dit Monsieur Un Tel
ā Madame J'en Ai Mare.

Je parle francaise par megarde
Wisdom from Yves Bonnefoy
Un souvenir est un voix brise. On l'entend mal, memi si on se penche. et portant on ecoute et si longtemps. Que parfois la vie passe. Et que la mort. Deja dit non a toute metaphore.
Not Rilke
La lune cette soir est grignotė. Les anges ont un petit creux.


Miettes 2 (French to English)

Sens unique ou aller retour
Love is a one-way street. Friendship is a return ticket. 
Marie Curie is Mata Hari. Or is it the other way round? 
I’m too old for a fixed idea.
La cure
The cure for love
is hate.
Par megarde
I’m speaking French when I don’t know it.
Yves Bonnefoy
‘A memory is a broken voice, one makes it out with difficulty, even if you lean forward, and yet one listens, even for an extended period. Sometimes life passes, and death. Already say no to all metaphor.’
‘A man who fears suffering is already suffering’.

Miettes 3 (English to English)

Haydn on Critics
‘There was nobody in the household (of Count Esterhazy)
to confuse me. And so I was forced to become original’ 
I find Sylvia Plath irritating and Ted Hughes boring.
What does that make me?
In a small town hurt feelings hurt the hurter.
Truth telling
It was so obvious
you couldn’t call it a lie.
Mon Foi
Earthquakes move mountains.
What about faith?
You’ve got to believe it.
Dirty Linen
The new National Front mayor of Beziėr banned
washing on the balcony. He will allow a clean
President Pays Bas (Holland)
has become President Pas Facile (Not Easy).
Reducing unemployment was to be the test of
his competence, but it keeps rising.
The Gertrude Stein’s solution is worth trying:
resume the French tradition of building
and demolishing monuments.
Ancient Professions
Philosophers sell their minds for money, sportsmen their bodies.
The Bad Penny
No need to read Nietzsche to understand the concept of the ‘Eternal Return’. I embody it.
The privatisation of mendicants
Norway passed a law banning begging in public. Presumably you beg in private in the comfort of your home.
The Queen’s Visit (to Ulster)
McGuiness wouldn’t be the first hand
with blood on it that she shook. 
Obama, Man of Synthetic Straw
‘I believe in America
with every fibre of my being.’
Wake up call
Did you sleep well ?
I don’t know. I was asleep.
Actors on Football World Cup stage
Injuries are the thing. Are the players acting up or performing for real?
Will the referee punish them with a red card, or applaud them with an ambulance?
The doctors will be the critics. But you’re going to have to wait till tomorrow. Meanwhile sit, and suffer by proxy.
Typically a Hummel scored Germany’s winning goal.
French Poetry
Verlaine doesn’t sound right with a French accent.
‘Journalists are the best fiction writers in this age of nightmares’
New World Order
Americans lead with their teeth. Everybody else sucks their gums. 
The Israelis have weapons of mass destruction. The Palestinians bodies.
Squatter’s Rights
Roman Law (Uti Possidetis) states that if you are in possession, the dispossessed have no rights. It still prevails. For instance, America’s indigenous people, and the Palestinians. No wonder those in possession support one another unconditionally.   
 Rough Justice
‘What have you done?’ on balance is better than ‘What have I done’. Guilt shared leads to murder. 
‘Revise continues’
Unlike life, writing is endless.  I spin and unravel, unravel and spin. I await the snip of the scissors.
My O My
Meanwhile as my heart beats in my body I’d like to think my soul flaps its wings in my writing.   
Dark Thought
When you were alive just talking with you put things in perspective. Now I have only the night to counsel me.